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Billy No Mates

Posted: 23 May 2024 12:54
by old git
Mike Lambo's latest offering: Battles of Kursk.

A more comprehensive listing of his games can be located here: ... mike-lambo


Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 28 May 2024 13:51
by Ectar
I like the idea of solo play as I don't get to the club as much as I would like.
May have a look at this, thank you

Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 29 May 2024 10:26
by old git
There are quite a number of videos on Mike Lambo's YouTube channel to tempt both the sad and the lonely (and everybody else). See:


Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 04 Jul 2024 13:35
by old git
I've enjoyed delving into the English Civil War alongside Mike Lambo, but now feel I need to 'scratch my Nam itch'. Don't worry it's contagious, so I've ordered 'Ghosts of the Jungle' featuring 4 Australian SAS vs the VC over 12 increasingly fiendish operations. I'll be using my collection of 'Nam figures to represent the protagonists.

Hopefully the publication will be with me Sunday. ... re-wargame

I'll let you know how things pan out.


Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 09 Jul 2024 12:23
by old git
The publication was duly delivered Sunday, just before I left for a game with a real person... What was a surprise was it was delivered by a lass bedecked in Royal Mail garb, driving a Royal Mail van. I didn't appreciate they provided a Sunday service. Well done them.

On returning home, after my game, I read through the preamble. I'm hopeful of taking on the initial op. this week.


Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 09 Jul 2024 21:00
by AndyT
I've picked up the fantasy campaign book. Not done anything with it yet but it looks fun. ... 102&sr=8-9

Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 10 Jul 2024 13:09
by old git
In truth most of Mike's books peek my interest, but each has so much to offer it will be a while before I can get to them all.

Re: Billy No Mates

Posted: 14 Jul 2024 12:26
by old git
Thursday saw me finish my chores early and being 'TV'd out' I decided to print off the first two mission maps. I prefer to work from a print to flattening the book, notwithstanding Mr Lambo's protestations, the fate of my Warmaster Ancients books loom in my mind.

I then set about undertaking mission 1 - "Reconnaissance 1". Luck was with the Australians from the start with everybody embarking on the mission from the same place and dashing up the board with minimal opposition offered by the VC. That said two of the three troopers received a wound and the Sarge. took two, three and you are "dead"!

I don't think I got all the VC bits right, but even so it proved to be a tense affair none the less.

One of the beauties of Mike's books is the variability of his system, so I don't expect such an easy run next time.
